Kite Repair, Sail Repair Maui

At Northshore Kite and Sail Repair we have more than 30 year of experience on Maui in sail repair and almost that much in kite repair. Fast, friendly and professional, we will do the job right! See our comments from Customers section,below
Call 808- 283-6519 or email for pick up or estimate.

How to get a Quick Repair

1.Call me first at 808 283 6519 ,I am usually at Kite Beach everyday ,we can arrange a convenient pick up or meeting place. If I have already left the beach, (after 5) bringing your kite or sail up to the shop can get your repair there fastest.
2. Leave a note attached to your kite or sail, (with a drawing if possible) clearly stating what the problem is, your name phone number and email address, even if you have already told me what needs to be fixed, sometimes we get really slammed and forget what you told us and spend time looking for the problem.
3. Bring your kite or sail in clean and free of sand, it takes time to clean and while yours is on the line drying, guess what, we are fixing the next clean one in the pile.
4. Just let us know that you need your kite back by a certain date/time. We can often do overnight repairs if you let us know.We will try our best to get in done when you need it, and almost always do, but if you don't mention it and we are slammed , we might even slip some other repair in front of yours because they told us they needed it sooner.