Kite Repair, Sail Repair Maui

At Northshore Kite and Sail Repair we have more than 30 year of experience on Maui in sail repair and almost that much in kite repair. Fast, friendly and professional, we will do the job right! See our comments from Customers section,below
Call 808- 283-6519 or email for pick up or estimate.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Having Too Much Fun to Post

Wind came back! Had a couple of really good days and a couple of really bad days!It was blowing so offshore a couple of days! Yesterday ,I was just ready to launch when 5 guys came in and said, "Don't Go!!!". I looked out and the remaining guys on the water were all down, so I packed it up and went home! Don't have to do that very often, but I think I did the right thing! Went out today and had a great sesh.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kristin, You Go Girl!

Kristin Boese nominated for ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Awards 2010 Full Story